Renewable energy sources on the rise in Europe

Italy’s rate of increase in the use of renewable energy sources is among the highest in Europe. In the two-year period 2007-09, investments in renewable energy plants amounted to 6.5 billion euros, for a total output of approximately 4100 megawatts. These are the findings of an analysis conducted by Althesyst, which highlights the benefits, economic and otherwise, of renewable energy sources for Italy. In fact renewable power benefits the environment, the job market and the nation’s energy policy, especially given that Italy is still relatively dependent on fossil fuel resources.
However, not all Italian business favour the use of renewable energy sources, according to a survey by the Milan Chamber of Commerce: the Italian average is 56.5%. Traditional “Made in Italy” manufacturers prefer solar energy, whereas wind energy and energy saving are less popular.
And yet, the idea that renewable energies are really the way forward is also supported by the prestigious McKinsey Global Institute, which envisages a 100% carbon-free European power sector by 2050. The study, commissioned by the European Climate Foundation, and in consultancy with many large electrical companies, shows that the benefits of a 100% renewable electricity system would far outweigh the costs.